10 Favorite Foods Of The Holy Prophet ﷺ
SWT has bestowed many blessings on humans on this planet earth. Among
them, there are many necessities of life food, water, shelter and other
natural gifts of God. Food is the utmost physiological requirement of
every living being in this world. Such favors from the Almighty Lord
require one to be thankful for everything it eats from them.
The study of life of the Messenger ﷺ of
Allah shows that although He lived most of His time in austerity, yet
He always remained thankful to God for all. He used to eat everything He
was presented with and never complained about it.
Some of the much loved foods of the Holy Prophet ﷺ are as follows:
i) Barley
crops are farmed during the season of Rabi, and are used mostly in the
form of flour to make bread. Rasulullah ﷺ, liked it very much, and used
to have in the shape of bread, porridge, and dough. He even used to
receive it as a gift from His companions along with other foodstuff.
Narrated Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri:
“In the life-time of the Prophet we used to give one Sa’ of food or one Sa’ of dates or one Sa’ of barley or one Sa’ of Raisins (dried grapes) as Sadaqat-ul-Fitr. And when Muawiya became the Caliph and the wheat was (available in abundance) he said, “I think (observe) that one Mudd (of wheat) equals two Mudds (of any of the above mentioned things).” (Bukhari)
Apostle ﷺ of Allah also recommended it as a great source of curing
illness and weakness. Ummul Manzar states that the Prophet ﷺ along with
Ali came to their house, they had dates and those were presented to
them. Both of them ate from those dates. When Ali (R.A) consumed a
little of those, the Prophet ﷺ said”
“You recently recovered from illness, hence you are weak, hence don’t eat more. Therefore, that lady prepared a dish from barley and beet root. Then, the Prophet ﷺ told Ali “eat from it, it is better for you”. (Tirmidhi)
modern scientific research also proved the great effects of this food
on health and is considered to be among world`s healthiest nourishments.
ii) Milk
is associated with strengthening of bones as it contains calcium,
curing gastric diseases, strengthening of memory and vision and many
other healthy effects on one`s body. The Messenger ﷺ of God used to love
having milk of goat and camel which was common at that time. He also
preferred it over wine at Jerusalem while being on the journey of Miraj
when Jibael (A.S) brought two jars of drinks containing wine and milk
and presented them to Him.
iii) Dates
are free from any cholesterol and are very low at containing fats.
Dates are considered to be very healthy to use as they include vitamins
especially B-6 and useful minerals like potassium, manganese, copper,
iron and calium for which are highly essential for human body. The Holy
Prophet ﷺ used to receive them as gifts and He also ate them fondly.
Regarding great benefits of dates, He ﷺ said:
“He who eats seven ‘Ajwa dates every morning will not be affected by poison or magic on the day he eats them.” (Bukhari)
iv) Figs
(figs) are linked with curing ailments of stomach, strengthening of
bones, and curing of piles and gout diseases. It is among the desired
foods of the Prophet ﷺ. It is also one of the fruits from Paradise, and
there is a separate Chapter in the Holy Quran on it. Allah SWT says in
His Book:
“By the fig and the olive” [Quran, 95: 1]
v) Honey
to be the best natural therapy for curing almost every disease, the
Holy Prophet ﷺ used to take honey and also recommended it to others.
“Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Qur’an is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you remedies, the Qur’an and honey” [Bukhari]
above mentioned Hadith, one can say that honey is indeed the medicine
of the medicines. Some of the most useful curing attributes of this
blessing of Allah SWT are generating hunger, toughening up of the
stomach, cause of soothing to the eyes, and elimination of phlegm etc.
vi) Olive Oil
Zaitoon (Olive) is also one of the foods from Jannah (paradise) and it has been mentioned along with figs in the Holy Quran:
“By the fig and the olive” [Quran, 95: 1]
is considered to be an excellent means of treatment for skin and
imparting strength to hair. It helps in healing inflammation of stomach
and is also linked with slowing down the process of aging. Hazrat
Muhammad ﷺ used to take it himself and also suggested it to others
because of its great curing benefits. Narrated by Abu Hurairah (R.A):
“Eat Olive and use it as an ointment as it produced from a blessed tree.” (Tirmidhi)
vii) Grapes
are medically proved to be helpful in purification of blood, providing
strength and energy, strengthening of kidneys, cleaning the bowels. The
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to eat it keenly and was also presented with
grapes as a present. It is also one of the fruits of the heaven, and is
mentioned in the Holy Quran:
from the fruits of the palm trees and grapevines you take intoxicant
and good provision. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who reason.”
[Quran, 16: 67]
Hence, Allah SWT has regarded it as a medicine in the above stated Quranic Verse.
viii) Vinegar
Messenger ﷺ used to eat vinegar with olive oil. It has great effects on
body functioning as it is useful for performance of spleen, helpful in
controlling belly, satisfies thirst, aids in digestion of food etc.
Jaabir bin Abdullaah (R.A) reported:
“The Messenger ﷺ of Allah asked his family for a condiment and they replied, “We do not have anything but vinegar”. So he called for it and began to eat, saying, “How good a condiment is vinegar” (Muslim)
So, it was preferred by Rasulullah ﷺ to have vinegar as a flavor while having something to eat.
ix) Cucumber
is vastly linked with quenching thirst, curing the inflammation of
stomach, easing down pains of bladder etc. The Holy Prophet ﷺ used to
take it as a means of Salad.
“The Messenger ﷺ of Allah used to eat Qiththa (cucumber) with Rutab (fresh dates). “ (Tirmidhi)
x) Pumpkin
is medically proven as a source of lowering the risk of prostate
cancer, protecting against swelling of joints, lessening of wrinkles on
face, stimulating the functioning of kidneys etc. It was also the top
most desired food of Rasulullah ﷺ.
“The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) amongst all other foods, liked pumpkin. (Tirmidhi)
are 10 of the many favorite foods of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, which He used
to eat very eagerly and also recommended them to His followers because
of their greater implication regarding health of human body.
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